What is my favorite:
Day? My wedding day of course :)
Adventure? Four-wheeling in the Black Hills… so.much.fun
Book? “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows” (mainly because I finally finished the series)
Event? Wedding again… I mean how can you really beat that?
Exercise? Running, mainly because I never thought that I would enjoy it or be able to do it
Experience? Getting engaged and marrying the Hubz
Hobby? Reading
Idea? That I can do anything
Lesson? If I want to be a better person, a better wife and a better friend I need to be less selfish
Love? The Hubz :) and his sweet smile
Meal? Four course dinner with wine at Grecco’s on the St. Croix. Oh man… I’m salivating just thinking about it
Memory? Confessing my love to the Hubz in front of all of our family and friends
Movie? “Julie and Julia”
Song? “Dancing in the Minefields” by Andrew Peterson. Best.marriage.song.ever. (can you tell I’m a newlywed?)
TV Show? “Chuck” when I’m snuggling with the Hubz. “Law and Order: SVU” with Ahna or when I’m sick in bed.
The best thing that happened to me in 2010 was... I married my best friend!
The worst thing that happened to me in 2010 was... I gave up on myself one too many times.
Name three likes: Avocadoes, Ingrid Michaelson, yoga
Name three dislikes: Being broke, having a messy house, the Minnesota cold
What did I do for myself this year? I realized that I deserve the best I can give myself
What did I do against myself this year? I didn’t give myself the best I can have
If I could change one thing about myself, what would it be? That I would be more confident… but I’ll get there
If I could change one thing about my life, what would it be? My own house would be nice
If I could change one thing about the world, what would it be? I wish the world knew Jesus
What are three things I've changed or done differently this year? Believed in myself, went to bed earlier, followed more TV shows
What are three things I was reluctant to do, but did them anyway? Ran a 5k, stood up for myself, settled in an apartment I wasn’t in love with
What are three things I was reluctant to do, but want to do this coming year? Adapt a complete health and wellness lifestyle, become a blogger (oh hey, already started that!), become a runner
Thanks for sharing this, Kayla! I put a (slightly altered) version of this on my blog. -Lauryn http://bit.ly/e3txML