Hey y'all! I'm so excited to be back with another What I Ate Wednesday post! I'm hoping to do these every week starting NOW because it's fun and helps me stay on track with healthy eating :)
I've been a little on-again, off-again with following Weight Watchers the past couple weeks, but I decided this week that it's time to really buckle down and commit fully, cause otherwise I'm just wasting my money and will regret not starting earlier, ya know? Also, I'm just not happy with how I look and feel so the most logical thing would be to change something, right? Yeah, so there's that.
So I had a great day to day and I'm pretty proud of my eats and workouts! I started the day off with a quick 30 minute exercise band video that. It was my first day doing this video and I didn't love it. I'll probably try it again though, we'll see.
(2 AP)
Hubz and I are completely stocked with Chobani right now. We've been trying to work through our stash of it, but when I went to the grocery store yesterday they had the new Chobani flavors! So today I got to try the Blood Orange flavor. Unsurprisingly, it was totally delicious.
Normally I would eat more than this for breakfast, but I was running around for most of the morning and it was all I had time for.
(3 P+)
I normally don't really have a snack between my breakfast and lunch because I normally eat breakfast around 8:30 or 9 and have lunch around noon. It really depends on my work schedule though. Today I did have a snack, though, and it was like, the best snack ever. Seriously.
I know it's hard to see what it is in the photo, but it was 1/4 cup of dried apples (Trader Joe's) and 10 raw almonds. SO yummy and pretty filling! I will definitely be doing this snack again!
(3 P+)
Lunch was super simple today. Basic mixed greens salad with some matchstick carrots and grape tomatoes. Dressing was 2 tbsp of ranch, which I realized today is A LOT. From now on I will definitely stick to just 1 tbsp, which is better anyways cause ranch is really empty calories (but it's delicious!). For some protein I had two over-easy eggs which really never disappoint.
(8 P+)
I grabbed coffee with a friend this afternoon and grabbed a small skim almond latte. Seriously, if you haven't tried an almond flavored latte, they are DELICIOUS. Almond breves ridiculously delicious (the froth tastes like whipped cream I tell you!), but guess what? Eight to ten ounces of half and half is not exactly weight loss friendly. Surprised? I was too.
After coffee I also enjoyed a grapefruit. I've always loved grapefruits, but I especially love them right now cause they're so CHEAP! Love it.
(0 P+)
Today Hubz and I also started doing 30 Day Shred. I've done it a few times before, but I really want to actually do it for 30 days straight. I can do it and I know I'm gonna feel great after I do. We also took before pictures and our measurements today, so I plan on posting those after we finish the 30 days!
(5 AP)
Once again, super simple but filling dinner! I was ravenous after doing 30 Day Shred and kind of forgot to take a picture before I started to scarf down my food. Sorry!
This WAS some grilled chicken breast (made on the George Foreman which was ridiculously easy) with a little olive oil and seasoning, a serving of sweet potato fries from Trader Joe's with 1 tbsp of ketchup and some more of the same salad from lunch with fat free italian dressing and 1 tsp of olive oil. Plus, a few unpictured pringles for dessert :) It happens, y'all, it happens.
(13 P+)
So not the most interesting What I Ate Wednesday, but sometimes simple and basic is the best... plus it makes life a lot easier!
Total P+ Used: 31 (hit my daily target right on the nose!)
AP earned: 7 (super proud of this!)
Hope your Wednesday was stellar! ;)