Wednesday, March 23, 2011

[Belated]Tuesday Tune

This tuesday tune is coming a day late.

Monday was my first day not being at my job and it's been weird trying to get used to it.  It's been nice, but it's been weird.

I have loved the band Anberlin since I first started listening to them in high school.  Imagine my excitement when I started dating Hubz and found out that he also loved Anberlin!  It almost (but not really) made up for his car radio seeming to be magnetically drawn to the local country music station... All George Strait, all the time.  Not awesome.

I love this video.  Ever since quitting my job this song has taken on a whole different meaning for me.  I wasn't expecting it, but after getting over my fear of disappointing people and putting in my two weeks notice, I began to feel really insecure about myself and my decision.  I knew that people who were close to me understood my decision, but I was embarrassed to tell others who didn't know the situation so well.

This song helped me to realize remember that I don't want to spend my life doing things that I'm not passionate about and that don't bring me joy.  I don't want to retire and wish I had done something else with my life.  I'm only 21.  I've got time to figure it out.

I might be broke.

I might be impatient.

I might be insecure.

I might be nervous.

But I'm also smart.

I'm loved.

I'm faithful.

I'm open to new possibilities.

And I'm gonna be ok...  As long as it stops snowing in Minnesota and Hubz keeps making lattes every morning, that is.



  1. Kayla you are so so dearly loved and supported 110% I'm so happy for you and that you know that you are loved! You are beautifully and wonderfully made :) God would want you to enjoy your life not sitting there wishing you were trying new things. I'm am SO proud of you for quitting, I know it's been hard but I am ALWAYS here for you :) keep remembering that you are loved and supported! Love you Best Friend! Can't wait for our date!

  2. I don't know the story here, but I'm proud of you, Miss Kayla. Keep being who God created you to be!

    (and darn all that snow)
